Author Archives: BT

About BT

Retired from paid work - grumpy old man now - have failed to ride from England to Spain so have to try again - currently eating for England and shouting at clouds

OTP in the foggy foggy dew

Awakening to the sounds of an English dawn chorus as one does, YHC opened the shutters on the garret tower to survey the landscape in the valley and assess what kind of ride to enjoy…alas even when rubbing the sleep out of the eyes there was no view to peruse. Blanket of fog..or in aviation parlance “Socked in”.

The Subi transfer to Fox Valley was uneventful, however it was still weaving through the B-doubles, ( where do they come from and why do they insist on rumbling through Dural at 6am ??? ) nice though that in the fog they still maintain a crazy 70kph although YHC was controversially maintaining the speedlimit through the dips and enjoyed hearing heated application of exhaust brakes and squeaking discs as they decelerate to tailgate me until the bottom of the dip then are left chugging up the other side..( win ) …

There was a small but perfectly formed peloton on the traps at Rowland St , Saint Nav unfluffed, YHC and “Onya” wove to the front of the traffic turning onto the Pacific parkway, and then wove through the gridlock to Pymble which was clear and onto the OTP..

Pea Soup served with ham this morning, Ham being a descriptive of Chippo’s attire..Teddy and open toed heels with cherry pillbox hat..looked ready to attend a day at the races. A few fewer ERs on the OTP this morning, flashing away on time without setting eyes on Barry, where is he when the weather turns..probably took a wrong turn at Chatswood..nothing like that would happen if he took the second best way.

Moisture in microcosm, much more amenable that sturm und drang, boasts of those who braved the 6pm commute, they described this clammy ride as luxury, “dreamed” of conditions as pleasant as these on that hell of the north return. Well apart from the fog it was perfect conditions for a commute into town..all quickly realised that eyewear was optional, mine went back in the backpack at Roseville. Visibility was variable, but better without accumulating moisture on the glasses. One phenomenon which YHC has noticed is that ER bus timetables are remarkably consistent..hell and high water seem to make zero impression on arrival times at the B&T..even punctures do not seem to interrupt Andy Schleck’s sprint to the forecourt for 7:30. This morning all went swimmingly up to Crow’s Nest, then with a block of flats it appeared the peloton would be delayed..until Drastic called for a “safety “ split, and therefore released a pressure valve through which most escaped ( Saint Nav of course changed two wheels and repumped in a record 10 minutes, ensuring he was left without a chair over good deed remains unpunished as they say .)

Superlative commute though as ERs started accumulating over coffee, Fluffers, Epping and assorted latecomers..stories got taller as volume got louder, although duration was curtailed due to temperature.

Return bouts booked, the usual suspects on the usual lineout..

Have a good one all.


Return to the OTP

Shocked into consciousness in the predawn ( dead of night ) by England’s finest dawn chorus recorded in high def and featuring the warbles and trills of birds that can sing although nothing that can compare to the belly laugh you get from the locals. YHC was still not quite ready to roll at the appointed hour so instigated plan b which involves driving to Fox valley rd and piling out in time to meet the true hard men of the north.

Clear skies meant the temperature has normalised to a seasonal 15C which now feels like 10C due to thinning blood and being spoiled by a late blast of summer. Perfect weather to roll into town.

A gentlemanly transfer to Gordon led by a gentleman, Teflon making the early running and arriving at the stroke of 6:30. Trained observers of the traffic would notice that tonnage was back to its normal but manners were still on holiday, the chief offender YHC was aware of was a Postal juggernaut undecided as to the lane so using half of ours.

Gordon launch was filling fast, it seems the good seats were already filled, but plenty of space along the path and up the road, and well wrapped in the latest winter fashions, not quite time to break the seal on the Rapha jacket bag, but like an advent calendar it won’t be long now. Chit chat pace was the preferred option this morning, BOF on time, plenty of gossip time as YHC slipped from caning the front to lantern rouge, no slips, slops or slaps to report, all seemed to enjoy the 4 day format for a weekend, time to ride , socialise, catch up on sleep, lawn mowing.. all the pleasures of life and now the second best way to start the day.

A red letter day today… It has been a long time coming, and not for everyone but by the grace of the fat controller most of the bunch managed to turn onto Archer Street and then not have to put a foot down until the Mowbray road..the last time this happened the moon was blue and the captain was on the ride. ( Our fearless leader was on the ride today but was inspecting fluffers and flutterers , ensuring they arrived unshaken or stirred )

Regrouped at Tindale to count more than 25 riders, mean rather than average, soon to be a critical ( well not too critical ) mass..

SUP etiquette was observed, with plenty of hazard calling and safety being well managed, the more the merrier, and the merrier the more important it is to make that section “easy” and safe..

A simmer up the Burlington burn, to roll through to the SHB in very good time, more green lights and fewer buses please, but no complaints with today’s serve..and a beautiful harbour crossing in the first hour of need to be canned in a car or jammed in could call me biased but today was not a day to be missed.

And of course the B&T pulled out all stoppers and poured for the masses in double quick time..33 on a loose count milling about the courtyard scaring away the other customers..

Daylight saving is rapidly drawing to a close, making the return ride in daylight something to be savoured, YHC will be slipping the surly bonds of the city on the OTP 5:15 but there are many more to choose from: Flamby, PWR, gaining in popularity of late, tickets all still on sale.

Have a great day all


Pre GG positioning

Another perfect morning for a ride to the office, whoever dialed in the 21C, clear sky, north easterly breeze and sunrise just as we arrive at the SHB …do it again soon..cannot complain about anything. With news to hand re Herb and missing a bend into Akuna, we are all sending best wishes for a speedy recovery, and hope the bike is alright. Looks like the crash cart idea will need to double up as ranks are thinning too rapidly for words..

The OTP was obviously the second best way to start the day, but with more than 20 in the bunch it was not impacted by all the other options. ( welcoming Christian from the Central Coast for an inaugural ride in..) The start in stages, filtering between traffic, and rolling the hills of death with several keen car drivers, Brownie made the departure in the knick of time, being on time, Bullet however made a superb catch a la Bucky, seeing the Gordon launch site with tumbrels blowing in the wind..and pedalling like a demon to make up the 2 minutes 45 seconds deficite.

Once everyone was back in ER mode as opposed to race mode, progress was once more pleasantly punctuated with banter and repartee..YHC was regaled by Norman but jokes about cupcakes being made from the evil wheat went way over my head..sorry Stormin.

Pondering the reasons to ride as one does, joy has to be one of the biggies..and enjoying the commute is way up there..we do enjoy our rides. ( contrast to the car bound who have stress levels far in excess of ours,  which is why it makes no sense to engage in “rage”..especially on the bike)

Coffee today was a highlight, once the chapters had all arrived..Futters, Fluffers, and sundries..30 plus ER jerseys on view ..a gift of confectionary was distributed among the many, apparently only five cupcakes were made but there was enough to go around..I waited for the fish to be delivered but alas not to be had…only one person left the table unfed..

Return rides as advertised, be ready for Easter only after your debrief at the GG..none of this leave early malarky.


Have a great day all

Tuesday OTP

A cool start to the day as another predawn departure was made, 14C on the dashboard with a slight south westerly, perfect weather for a gentle roll into town. With the Fluffers making their departure hours before, numbers were down…to about 25 on the OTP. BOF made it to the party and sent the ER peloton forth with only a few seconds delay, and so all was right in the universe, events unfolding as they should.

Cars became a talking point as numerous minor incidents, mainly just barging and shoving in where they could. I noticed that ERs were actually spread into a thin line through the HOD and I think this is what was the cause of the felt they had the room to come alongside and push in..obviously more discussion required over coffee, but there is something to be said about presenting an impassable mass where safe passing is not possible.

 A businesslike pace due to the temperature, nice to have the cooler breeze to enjoy spooling up the legs for their heating rather than overheating , YHC managed to fall to the lantern rouge through Lindfield but sailed past the Roseville regroup and made it to the front for a second or two before Chatswood..Conspicuous driving award was delivered to a hapless driver who managed to overtake the peloton before the pedestrian crossing to Roseville station, being both overtaking on the crossing on the wrong side of double whites and approaching a bus head on..then having to mix in to the peloton to avoid hitting the oncoming traffic..outstanding achievement managing to accumulate more traffic offenses than the mind could comprehend in such a short stretch. A Go Pro would be handy for such things..

 It was brought to my attention that Archer St has become a bit of a shredder, but more to the point , Tindale which should be the regroup to reassemble the peloton was marked with a big fail this morning. A rear carriage was dropped due to insufficient observation or over zealous urge to arrive at coffee..needless to say the rear car took a short cut on the highway led by Drastic and DT to arrive at B&T 5 mins before the offending front of the peloton..nuff said.

 Deliciously autumnal, if you have any friends , family , enemies who are not on the pedals riding to the office, now would be a good time to get them started..

 A quick look at the following link and encouragement to log the ride on 28th provide a resource and perhaps some lobbying opportunity..

 Make your mind up time for the return roll….there are many ways home, creativity required to avoid getting used to the same old same old..BDR for me this evening ..looking forward to it already.

 Have a great day all


OTP report Monday’s outing

There was movement at the station at a ridiculously early hour this morning, not YHC astride the bike but Hills Shire returning to the premises to remove garbage they missed on Friday..driver obviously angry as a full 5000 rpm required to lift about 10kg of detritus. So yet again up before going to bed, and well covered to fend off the early morning chill (had an under-vest on) to make the journey through the stygian GG and onto the OTP.

Blinking brightly as blind Quarry truck drivers are not quite awake at that time, it was a welcome left turn onto Old Northern and thus out of the danger zone a mere 700m into the ride, and once more into the quiet of a predawn calm. Cruising along though the undulations before Galston village, it was definitely feeling a little cooler, 11C on the clock from 16C in Dural, nothing that required further layers but a heads up to have made those winter clothes purchases while Wiggle and all Northern stockists are trying to off load their stocks heading as they are into spring..

The GG was deep, and dark, and lonely..very little moving through, YHC recovering from the 3P tapping out an easy beat in 4/4 time getting into swing of it and oops it was over before it began, (these short 10 minute climbs even the remembered pain was fleeting) ..

Pushing through onto the OTP gotta say I had a GOFTR token administered on the Pacific Highway..I now define a GOFTR token as conspicuous dangerous driving in the vicinity of a bike..this eeejit thought a metre didn’t matter and gave about 5cm room, then got caught by the lights at Knox…perfect opportunity for YHC to slip in front and use the lane for some conspicuously belligerent slow acceleration and into a good sprint up to Turra..(thus missing the 6:30 rendezvous at Fox Valley..) but as the blood was up Gordon was only another 5 mins away..

A crescendo of colour and style, the wagon train that is ER rolled into Gordon as single entity..25 or more rolling in before the BOF. Of note was a new steed bearing the family Stratos

Gellie Monster

Gellie Monster

Once the remaining 10 or so had accreted to the rear of the peloton, a split was arranged and Flash led out a Cat Flap contingent, while an assorted 25 made the pilgrimage along the OTP. Great to see such a turn out, even after the exploits of the weekend where is seems the ER colours are flown far and wide.. You would have heard the peloton clearly before it rolled into sight, as this morning was swift but at full volume..I wonder if a pedestrian gets the same high to low Doppler effect as 30 odd riders pass at speed. Stories recounted and plans made for next weekend all happening en route.

The Stratos tandem was leading through the Hills of death, maintaining a punishing pace through to the regroup at Roseville..I think Blue said something about making the stoker angry enough is a bit like treading on the accelerator, it the whole peloton was caned. (in all seriousness, great team work and very impressive paint job..superb , a real highlight)

YHC was towed up Burlington by Herb, YHC unable to speak at the top for five minutes, Herb barely panting…YHC needs more caning..

The usual Schleck advance from Burlington to the Bridge..a brief catch on the lights but that coffee suck seems to give him another 200 watts power..impressive.

B&T in full ER mode…40 coffees brought out and called in about 10 minutes..the smile on Vic’s face belies the earlier Vic we once knew..”well aren’t we a …sunshine” sticker has been removed, and he may even serve hot chocolate and mock achinos if asked nicely (but personally I would not dare) ..

Return flights are all scheduled and fueled ready for the off, check out the calendar for the one that fits yours.

Have a great day all


3 Peaks, Trial by Fire

Morning all, and thanks to all on the 3 peaks who’s good humour, spirit and grit greatly helped me make it through what I call a “trial by fire”.. I think everyone has described the vibe well so can’t add much but I can say that the egg and tomato colours were very encouraging throughout the day..

My climb of Tawonga was steady and I cruised over the top and onto a fast bunch into Bright looking at a 27kph average, then up what I regarded as the first climb…it never got easier, and went on..and on..and on not struggling but very happy to see the top, having seen most of the crew going down..the downside was one of the best descents, shallow grades making it a solid 45kph average for the 28ks and into the lunch stop with relative ease..a water fill and collect my food, then straight off with ER train to Ovens, nice pace, collecting a posse and all doing our bit at the front. Ovens though was aptly named, 42C on the garmin, no wind..

Climbing through Happy Valley with Dopey, it was clear I was not going to be fast and if was going to finish it would be “ survival pace “ …I managed to crawl into the water station as the ER bunch were rolling out..5 mins later with a refill and gel I put out to Mt Beauty with very little left in the tank. It was a question of getting onto a pace line and holding on..I do not really remember much of the 45ks but found some shade at Mt Beauty and caught the ERs who were helping Simba recover, by now I was not sure if I had the last climb left in me, but listening to the siren call of the sag wagon it would have been easy to sit down. This is really where the rubber hits the road, quietly selling a piece of soul to the demons to shut them up, it was back on the bike and on into come what may…by the side of the road there was a saying from Winston Churchill, “ If you are going through hell…keep on going “ and I think I agree. Getting past Bogong was a surprise and hope for a finish was born, I realised I was home once I could see the gates to the park, and I was still going..the longest 4km ride of my life..the world was the breath, the next pedal turn and about 6 metres ahead..

A very humbling experience, and one not to miss.. I would have been very emotional at the end had I had the energy.

Once more a big thanks to everyone, ( especial Saint Nav, there is a whole story about how my car spat its fuel pump out at 5am Saturday morning and even though he was already en route, he still managed a miracle to make sure Drastic and I made it down to Falls in good time. )


Tuesday’s Easy ride along the One True Path

The radar said no… Doris said yes…

Unloading into a fine misty morning atop the Col de Fox Valley dawn was not yet broken, but Doris was happy.

Rolling into the shambles on Pacific Highway was an interesting experience, grid locked traffic, and looking like a late arrival at Gordon the Fox Valley crew were forced to use a small section of the footpath, and apart from some equipment failure ( one ripped jersey due to low hanging branch) there was only one GOTFP token from a ute driver grid locked short of Pymble hill. One truck parked just before Telegraph Road was responsible for the utter chaos for the preceding 4 kms..

20 or more in the starting grid, flashing from various parts of the anatomy as ERs do, no one solution used where many are possible, and judging from the plastic on show and moisture about the road surface, today’s roll in would be we lubricated.

YHC quietly sliding to the rear, Lantern Rouge being Doris’s preferred position, and who am I to refuse. Counting the Er’s out, as the charge of the flashing light brigade made their way onto the one true path. Slow and steady at first, rolling through the hills of death at a sedately pace, avoiding any white line, metal grate, obvious hole in the carriageway..Doris being a wet bike was in her element.

Tapering or just plain enjoying the for once “Easy “ ride, it seemed the mood this morning was laid back, progressing at no faster than the slowest rider pace, ( YHC in snooze mode ) making this definitely the second best way to start the day. Accreting more than a few more ERs along the way, by the regroup at Tindale it would have had to be 30 strong and due to conditions much care and attention ensuring all arrived in one piece…the regroup at Crowies using all available space between the roundabout and the turn off Willoughby Rd..yup the peloton had grown.

B&T sprint starts a little earlier each day, I remember when it could be restrained to the top of the stairs on the SHB, Phantom and Schlecky kicked the can back to the lights at Falcon St..and took off like scalded cats from there. But the also rans were still very much in “Easy” mode and rolled with little extra enthusiasm through the North Sydney shambles, YHC was even engaged by a car driver for directions to North Sydney station..civic duty done, gave Doris a little kick along lavender st..nothing to strenuous though.

25 or more at B&T, arrived just in time to see a few rain drops fall on the forecourt and Vic raising the umbrellas as they cleared, but once again the coffee and pseudo foods appearing with gusto and aplomb.

Fluffers and flutters, Epping chapters, and stragglers filling the forecourt, not enough room to swing a cat as per usual, annoying the gent who leans up against the next doors wall to read his paper, he was busy rearranging bicycles to find a little wall space so he could sit on the windowsill of the Doctors surgery..I am sure this will resolve itself when the very nice people at Sydney Council install proper bike racks for us in the B&T vicinity.

Weather is forecast to improve this afternoon, making all routes available and probably warm to boot. Choose your return route with abandon.

Have a great day all


Tuesday on the OTP

A warm and moist north easterly to enjoy this morning, post storm steam making the one true path into a sauna. Unloading at Fox Valley to join the bus at the top of the hill, it was a fast and free ride down through to Gordon, but hey what a load of traffic…

The bongo’s had been doing their thing overnight, drumming up a ready rabble of ER for the second best way to start the day, and if you felt the earth move in the early hours of the morning, it was explained by the appearance of the Goose for a triumphal march into town. The ER peloton’s centre of gravity was therefore shifted towards the rear of allowable limits for slightly unstable flight characteristic, the tail wagging the dog so to speak. Rule #80 20 of the North Shore’s finest strapped on the lycra and rolled out at the appointed hour, BOF nowhere to be seen, Rule #87 prevailed. But then it takes 5 minutes for the peloton to get moving, and almost immediately stopped as heaven forbid a car was on the first roundabout and cleaved the peloton into two. Formation then went a little ferral, scrambling over the hills of death, and finally into Lindfield, YHC latched onto the Phantom express and was towed to the front and through Rawhiti sprint somehow on point, although hypoxia soon meant all situational awareness was lost. Still battling traffic through Roseville but a clear patch got the peloton onto Archer in short order and greens through Chatswood made this an extraordinary day, ( at least for Phantom and YHC as we arrived at the Tindale regroup with a minute or two ahead) A larger group now took off for the shuffle through Artarmon, with approximately 28 rolling down the hill..

The turn left onto Burra Rd, is usually a fast one, however just another PPB on the fact that other road users may in fact be there really need to be aware of the traffic from the right, but if you have a clear right, try not to be tempted to “hack” into the turn and drift …this morning there was oncoming traffic ..I suppose the message is that common sense and courtesy to road users is one of the FMs guiding principles..

A very orderly transfer through the shared user path ensued, special care on that section as there is still a gumtree lying on the side of the path just before the scaramanga climb. Traffic on this section was numerous and mixed, dam these cyclists who gave them permission to be going the other way and how come there are so many of them..

Burlington smoulder instead of burn as prevailing conditions were too pleasant to ignore, and another huge regroup ..for a mass transit through north Sydney..and if there was anyone with a greenlight button in the peloton it was in full use today, a steady roll through all traffic lights and into the Lavender St dip before you could put a toe on the ground, and once again the stairs to the SHB were jammed with ERs , girding their loins for a final sprint to the B&T..yes sometimes the SHB is useful for one last effort before the BS and planning session over coffee.

B&T was in top form, although they had allowed some ladies to occupy the sacred space..the ladies quickly worked out that 30 odd lycra clad MAMILS were about to surround them so they retreated to a side table quick smart.. and then the mayhem continued as waves of ER rides arrived, the Epping chapter, followed by the stragglers running late on the OTP, the early crew were already caffeinated and on the march before the Fluffers arrived, and several were into their 2nds before finally admitting to having a job to go to. Another welcome back to the chief who promised to make the OTP a bit more frequently now, ( he must be on a recruiting drive ) Return rides ..all the usual, with the usual at the usual..


Have a great day all BT

OTP Thursday report, your shout.

Well what a great morning to pedal OTP, a warm 18C on the slopes of Monte Colah and skies 4/8ths fluffy warm weather cumulus. base of 2000ft .visibility 10kms plus, traffic was the only insect in the ointment as it seems lots of people want to travel to town at the appointed hour, mostly in “cars” outmoded form of transport which is getting more outmoded by the day.

Bicycles of course are the most efficient vehicle on the planet, ( my one is red ) YHC was awakened early by the cat, somehow it has an uncanny ability to arrive a good 30 mins before the alarm is due..and it then proceeds to purr loudly in my ear and if ignored uses a claw to the cheek ..before i use a back of the hand to ..well you get the picture.. So up before really getting to sleep to enjoy the second best way to start the day. Split between 3 rides..the Flutter, Fluffer, OTP…choices choices..24 odd on the OTP lead out by Chippolini in Cerruti helmet and the open sandles…sartorially leading where angels fear to tread.

Paced to perfection though as the Hills of Death flew by, into the valley of Lindfield and our first “close encounter”…the corner of Balfor St and our habit of checking for traffic, shouting “clearaaaa’ Caused offence to a gentleman standing on the curb, who shouted back..”stop shouting “ .. Thankfully all the regroup points were observed, meaning YHC could recover breath after a short Rawhiti sprint, it is so hard to look cool while gasping for air. All rules and regs seemed to be observed today, OAFATSR, back slapping and rampant high spirits, red lights meant stop, ( ok amber may have meant accelerate to some ) a deliciously long green got us across the Falcon st splitter in one big group..behaviour on the shared user path was exceptional, and the observant among us will notice the grill on the corner of the Artarmon oval has been filled in..we are safer now this little skid mark has been erased.

There is still a confusion around how to approach the turn onto Willoughby Rd..YHC prefers to use the pavement and make the turn from the side road, as crossing the central barrier is fraught, and going around the lights is asking for trouble ..easier though it might be, the 15 seconds difference is not really worth it. Burlington burn was being monitored by the local Cops, so YHC had to restrain the pace to ensure not exceeding the speed records no strava gongs, just a nice cruise up, and if anyone asks we never race on the road.

Another great ride finished with a caffeine hit or two at the B&T…business was booming as the waves of ER crashed in..round of applause for the fluffers, lead by founders and keepers as the magic happened again..converting a commute into a life changing experience. Busses for all points north by all routes are rumoured to be running to schedule..confirmations please on the know you want to.

Have a great one all BT

OTP unfluttered, unflambied, perfect Thursday ride in report.

A champagne breakfast ride in this morning for the lucky few along the OTP, conditions could not be described as anything but absolutely perfect for a pedal in to the Office..

Aboard the bus were new riders Matt and Mark…Fox valley tapping a rich vein of new blood..welcome and quickly do something silly so we can find names for you..

A darkish morning requiring the assistance of Ayup Industries to illuminate the road, once en route though a swift change as the illumination became rather too bright and thence the “eye wear” had to be swapped for darker shades..perfect temperature and air moisture content, banter at full volume as usual, and as usual the Gordon launch was filled to capacity awaiting the horn from BOF at the appointed hour.

A regular rabble formation through the Hills of Death, YHC sliding to the rear to catch a word or two with another new rider Alex, on his second ride in, but was not finding the pace intimidating, so YHC slid to the front to cane it a bit..( not ) .. with a good 20 in the bunch, regroups and camaraderie are what make this the second best way to start the day. “Goose” there is an APB out for you, calculations being that your garden should be just about dug now and it is about time to see you back on the pedals..apart from missing your humour and occasional wit, plenty of new names are required so an extraordinary meeting will have to be know the drill.

Archer St …well paced assault only had to put a toe down once ..not calling a red letter day until we make it through as a bunch..unhindered..I think the last time that happened we only had 8 on the ride and Kevin Rudd was still PM..

ERs all on through the Tindale turn and it was on for a KOM challenge, Turnip and Teflon off the front and weaving through the oncoming traffic looking for a small advantage, YHC a third wheel forming a tight breakaway into the park, however it was only for a short while, into the dip there was the unmistakable tones of ¼ , getting ready for a gassy explosion of power into the Scaramanga ascent.
¼ by a length, Turnip and then YHC well behind but still on the podium..

Burlington regroup and by now there was the usual 30 passing muster, and into the North Sydney shredder, ERs joining a growing cluster of cyclists making their way through the road works..I think we are nearly on speaking terms with all of them, even the Irish lollipop ladies. Climbing the Bridge steps too is becoming a bit of an ER overload, seeing the entire staircase covered ..please let those at the top through.

B&T regroup was in waves, as each ride arrived the queue never seemed to shrink much, hot seating it required and standing room only for the Fluffers who unfortunately only made it in well after the last chairs and milk crates were dished out.

Whispers of an Allambie Flamby tonight…falling on deaf ears here though ..I will be crystal cranking home at my usual 5pm bus, and will hopefully be overtaken by the the time I reach Tindale..

With only a few weekend rides left before the 3p challenge, no doubt we’ll see some epic achievements advertised shortly..a smorgasbord of suffering on offer..enjoy.

Have a great one all