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Love riding, Love coffee, Love food, Love the outdoors and I love socialising! Its great to be part of the Easy Riders Team!
VIVID lights tour - postponed
When: Wed 12 Jun 06:00 PM

++ This has been rescheduled to next week on Wednesday 12th ++

++ Remember to sign up on the Calendar ++

Ah Vivid, the time of the year we both love and dread. Beautiful bright colourful light displays on cool, still winter nights and large crowds of pedestrians walking every which way but loose. Join me, your Vivid guide Horatio and take in the sights, sounds and smells (?) of Vivid 2019. We will meet at SHBS at 6pm and go on a walking tour around Vivid till 8pm when we will get back on our bikes and cycle home (or at least to a train station). There are street stalls so it is possilbe to buy dinner along the way. I am hoping a Monday night will be least crowded. You will need:

* a lock for your bike as you will need to lock it up for a couple of hours while we walk around

* shoes you can walk around in comfortably/safely

* warm clothes (it gets chilly)

* bright, flashing lights (in case the NSW power grid goes down, the punters will have something to look at)

* an ironic sense of whimsy

Please sign up on the calendar (seats are strictly limited!!)