Virgin spotted in Chatswood

Morning all

Yes, they can be spotted a mile off with such trained eyes as those within the ER Peloton. Even without C.Hippo’s guidance.

Awaiting in full expectation was our newboy Andrew “not the rugby” Blades – in brilliant white, awaiting any passers by going his way. He jumped on the back of our 15 strong peloton with glee, and the rest was history. Henceforth known as Virgin, for the kind consideration of our our FM naming committee. Zlatko proposed “Angel” but that sounded marginally more complimentary, so Virgin herewith proposed.

(rewind) A brisk morning at the Fox Valley Road meeting point for our West of the Highway sect – just B1 and myself. Regular contender Teflon not seen, presumably still recovering from being told “where to go and how best to get there” from a little altercation on the SHB last night. Our two new Mark’s promising return soon, and RTG still working out how to address the quip yesterday of having both a Pinarello and a Volvo (there’s a few others in that basket mind you….)

Much excitement and anticipation of BT’s return; amounted to nothing as he was apparently late all the way through, and had to suffer Contador’s company by way of penalty…..

Stealth looking for a softer cassette – anyone have a 32 at the top end that can assist our man with spinning a bit more freely?

Bullet sporting his trial-by-chamois knicks – gave a detailed account of his experience at the B&T to the 20 odd or so who braved Vic’s lack of patio heaters. Coffees in the duplicate taken for only the hardened….

Formations taking shape already for the 5.15pm and 6pm entourages northbound.

Have a good one all.



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About SatNav

SatNav: Lengthy taper 1995 - 2004. Started commuting in London because I didn't like paying rail fares. Returned home to Sydney and figured I still didn't like paying rail fares. A chance meeting at my daughter's baseball put me in touch with the ER's in 2008 and have never looked back (I'm never on the front to do so). Ride daily; haven't commuted by train since. Love it.

2 thoughts on “Virgin spotted in Chatswood

  1. Captain

    What about “Sir Richard” (as in Branson)?

    Been propping up the Economy again this week, but there will be a second coming of the CFM – Intergalactic tomorrow morning on what used to be called The Captain’s Route, but has become known by the serfs as The One True Path. Let it be verily written and let the serfs fall into line (at least until we get to the first decent hill).

    I will be joined by the CFM’s daughter’s current squeeze, Matt, who goes by the nickname “L90”, as he is always being “thrown under the bus” at family gatherings and, like the L90, you can’t avoid seeing him around the Newport area…

    Simba is on the mend. Been giving the wind trainer a workout, but still some weeks off before he returns.

    Chief Foundation Member – Intergalactic

  2. BT

    Greetings all, this is not a ride report but a weak explanation of being about 5 mins behind the action all the way to the City…

    Alarm set for the normal time but still on holiday mode so took an extra five to get out the door, once in the saddle and receiving a full on icy blast through the GG, it was a chase to see if I could make the catch somewhere en route…nearly caught the back on the Scaramanga but was stuck by all the lights, and crystal cranked to the SHB where Alberto graciously gave me a wheel to follow and a cruise into the B&T…

    Late for my own party…sorry folks



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