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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Road, Track, MTB
Biography :
Brownie/TSS: I have been riding, racing and repairing bikes for a very long time.

If you would like to join Easy Riders you can do so via this website ER membership costs $20 per year and by registering and paying you are accepting the Easy Riders Ethos set out below.

  1. We aim to ride to and from our place of work or study or for recreation in safe groups whilst having fun. It is "The Second Best Way To Start The Day".
  2. We aim to ride in a way and at a pace which is enjoyable for the members of the riding group.
  3. That includes not treating the ride as a race, but generally riding only as fast as the slowest rider in the riding group, supporting each rider in the riding group and generally regrouping regularly on each ride.
  4. When we ride we obey all road rules and are courteous and respectful of pedestrians, other cyclists and other road users.
  5. The Easy Riders mailing group, Easy Riders contact list and Easy Riders web site must never be used for harassment, derogatory remarks or to intimidate any other member nor should it be used as a commercial sales channel. It is purely a communication channel for Easy Riders and cycling related banter.
  6. We will not intentionally do or say anything which may damage the reputation and public image of Easy Riders Incorporated.
To join you must do the following
  1. Complete the registration form on the web site if you haven't already done so (Click Login then click Register)
  2. If you have already registered you need to update your profile (Login then click your name in the top right corner then click Edit Profile)
  3. Complete the form and answer the questions about insurance and accepting the risk warning then click submit
  4. Make payment for $25 to the ER Inc bank account. Bank details are as below, please include your name in the reference field on the payment
Account name         Easy Riders Inc
BSB                          032134
Account number    273879
Bank                        Westpac
Please pay electronically. It may seem easier for you to simply hand Satnav $20 at the B&T but it just means that he has to remember who paid and then take time to bank the money. Far better for you each to spend a couple of minutes online than for him to spend his own time doing it for you.
Check back in a few days and your paid status should have changed from "no" to yes".