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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Trek Road Bike
Biography :
Started riding as a young boy and except for a shorty period when I first got my car licence, I have ridden to work (or at least the train station). I joined the E/Rs in 2008 and rode with them most
Flambé / Flambie

This is a return via Mosman, the Spit Bridge then up Allambie Road to Forest Way and St Ives..

  • Flambé is a cooking procedure in which alcohol is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames. The word means flamed in French, thus the Flambé is slightly quicker than the Flambie
  • Flambie is a French cream pudding. It is also the unkind nickname for French President Hollande, thus the Flambie is a softer version of the Flambé


Flambé / Flambie


Departure from SHBS 17:30
St Ives
(this is the time Schlecky has to be home by)