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Ride Name :
Pine Tree
Type of Bike :
Focus Izalco, Giant Defy; Trek Checkpoin
Biography :
After slogging away on the commute on a custom-built Salsa steel tourer on and off for 10 years, I've upgraded the bike in 2018 so now riding more often to get my money's worth! Lovin'
Day 2 Munghorn Gap Tour (near Mudgee)
When: Sun 15 Nov 09:20 AM
Riders:Ben, Blue Stratos, Lucy, Pine Tree, Pink Stratos

Second day of cycle touring trip 

About 75km with 15km gravel and around 600m climbing. (gravel avoidable as it is a side trip)

Those who stayed the previous night at the Cooyong hotel need to get themselves to the Munghorn Gap reserve by 09:20am (it is about half an hour's ride)

Campers at the Munghorn Gap reserve need to be packed up for regroup at 9:20am.  Group departs 9:30 am.  Breakfast at Wollar for campers (possibly 2nd breakfast for those who were in the hotel). 

15km return side trip up hill, on gravel to Lee's pinch (a lookout). Lunch at Bylong general store.

Ride back to cars parked as Growee road/Bylong Valley way junction. Drive home.