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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
Type of Bike :
Colnago Master
Biography :
Taking it up the back door for 10 years but never with Bert or Elmo.
When: Tue 10 Aug 06:30 AM
Pace:Elasticated Waistband
Riders:Dasha, Manga
Tue 10 Aug 06:30 AM
Pace: No drop - elasticated band

Virtual Zwift ride

Course: Makuri Isiand - Suki's Playgound (

Best Bike: Road or TT as it's all tarmac.

To join, follow Victa on ZWIFT (search for Nick (Victa) Mowat) by the night before the ride

The ZWIFT "Keep everyone together" feature is active.

Standard ER Virtual Kit "Bike and Beer".  

To get this you need to log in to Zwift on a PC or MAC (you cannot acquire new kit on other devices but once acquired it can be used on any device).  Start a ride. Press the P key and you will be prompted for a code. Enter "bikeandbeer" and press Enter. You see a message that your code worked.  Proposals for alternative kit for future weeks happily accepted.

Join Zoom so we can talk.  The following meetings have been set up:


Meeting ID: 373 794 3478

Passcode: 1234



Meeting ID: 373 794 3478

Passcode: 1234