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I'm not known for working my way up to things...rolling out of bed one day and deciding to ride 100Km on the 1st ER Ladies Day...lived to tell the tale!
Newcastle sickie
When: Fri 28 Jun 07:00 AM
Riders:Limpet, Victa, Wilson

It's been a busy year and I reckon I'm well due a mental health day, otherwise known as the traditional Friday sickie.

So, to relax after hectic times at work why not.... ride to Newcastle! 

Advantages of going on a Friday: Less traffic on the OPH, less walkers on the Fernleigh track, no chance of trackwork buggering up the trip home, pubs are definitely open and the glorious feeling that comes from doing something indulgent while other people are working.

Meet 7am at hornsby pool, breakfast at Long Jetty, beer at the Irish pub in Hamilton, home by 6pm latest