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Mum and Oma, commuting most days and love racing on track and road.
When: Sat 28 Dec 07:00 AM
Riders:Lassie, Limpet, Victa

Join us for another instalment of the Festival of 500kms between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

This one is to Camden. An easy 120km return journey.

Meet top of BWH at 7:00am where we leisurely ride to Macquarie Uni to take the Covid Express to Norwest.

We follow the M7 cycleway to the end and have refreshments at McDonalds Preston before continuing just 20kms further to reach Camden. Hopefully our favourite cafe will be open and if not another cafe that serves concrete avocado on cold toast is right next door.

Return is back to Bella Vista Metro where we can try and catch Covid.