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Featured Rider
Ride Name :
TBA (Dale Hurley)
Type of Bike :
A cheap one
Biography :
Recently married, just moved to Bushland Shire (Hornsby), CTO of CreditorWatch and Studying an MBA.
Largest Banana Bread & Scones you will ever have ride
When: Sun 21 Jul 07:15 AM
Riders:Doc, Limpet, Lunchie, Oma

Sorry guys! This ride was originally posted for today. It is tomorrow, Sunday 21/7/19 of course.Thanks to Highlander for letting me know.

Join us for a ride to sunny Palm Beach where the Boat House provides the largest serving of Banana Bread and/or Devonshire Teas/Scones you have ever seen!

Try and catch Doc as she speeds up McCarrs on her new Villya!

Just what you need prior to a lazy Sunday afternoon. Perhaps another coffee at Stanley St cafe?

Meet opposite Patto's at 7:15am