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two wheel version with trainers
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Flash: On the lookout for parked speed boats. Waiting for snow to fall to go XC sking.
Willy's first ride to Newcastle!
When: Sat 27 Jul 06:30 AM
Riders:Admin, Doc, Limpet, Oma, Philby, Scott, Victa

Yes, it's true. Our new ER member for 2 wheeled transportation has spoken.

Of course I'm talking about Doc's new Willier. This gleeming, beautiful machine has urged us to ride to Newcastle to be free and stretch her legs  (I'm still talking about the Willier of course!).

So be it we thought! This Saturday, meet at the front of Hornsby Pool at 6:30am for another edition of the trek to Newcastle. Perhaps an average of 28km/h will simply be too slow for Willy?

Breakfast at The Entrance, Velvet Pussies at the Irish Pub, Return via Train.