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In house lawyer at Westpac. Father of 3. Live in Roseville near Dragon. Started cycling to and from work after running injury in 2012.
When: Fri 20 Jan 05:15 AM
Pace:25 km/hr
Riders:Pine Tree

5.15 Pattos departure for Palmie loop then into city down Pittwater Rd (bypassing Manly). ~85km ride should see an ~9am CBD arrival so no time for a communal brekkie, instead slipping quietly into the office chair a bit late. Might also suit some working from home with multiple right turn options e.g. back up McCarrs or Wakehurst or Allambie.

Traffic's still been pretty quiet this week, so it's probably a good time for Barranjoey/Bilgola....

I'm partly posting this ride as I'm expecting Thursday morning to be rained off, and I'm open to variations on time and route. Could also possibly become a 4.00 Ettalong from Hornsby....